
Chad Blueprint

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Chad Blueprint

2 ratings

Does this sound like you:

You go through your day on auto pilot. Wake up. Work. Gym. Netflix. Sleep. And then you do it again the next day.

On your weekends you escape into booze and alcohol. And then wake up wondering why you did that.

You feel like you have nothing to look forward to. And every day feels the same.

You aren't living life. You're just existing.

I've been there bro. I spent years wandering through life. Escaping into alcohol on the weekends. Scrolling through social media wondering why all of these people had the life I wanted.

I lived like this until I learned the secret every successful person knows...

To get what you want from life requires you to live with intention.

Everything you do must have a purpose.

But in order to live with purpose you need to have a vision for your life.

And that's where the Chad Blueprint comes in.

In this course you'll get a system you can use to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of where you're at in life
  • Identify where you want to go
  • Create the path you need to follow to get there

How do I know it'll work Chad?

Good question bro. I found this system when I was at the lowest point of my life. Stuck in a job I hated, I was fed up with sending out application after application.

I realized I had put myself in that situation by just floating through life. Following someone else's idea of what I should be doing.

At that point I set out on a mission to understand my purpose and figure out how to live in alignment with that.

I used this framework to define a vision of what my life would look like after 6 years. And as of this year I reached that vision.

What does it include Chad?

The Chad Blueprint Life Design guide is a guided exercise walking you through how to assess your current life, brainstorm a future life and identify how to get there.

If you're tired of drifting through life and want to build your vision pick this course up.

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A guided exercise walking you through how to assess your current life, brainstorm a future life and identify the path to get there.

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